Josy Cooper
PRINCIPAL Engineer, Director, BE, CPEng, CMEngNZ
Principal Civil Engineer and one of the Directors of Above Water. She has a Bachelor of Engineering (Auckland University) and is a Chartered Professional Engineer and a Chartered Member of Engineering New Zealand. Josy has most recently worked in Land Development projects including design for subdivisions and brownfields development.
Josy also works as a Practice Area Assessor for Engineering NZ and is a member of the Engineering NZ Waikato Branch Committee.
+64 27 557 5993
Charlie Cooper
Draftsperson, Director
The Managing Director and Draftsperson is Charlie Cooper (BSc, PGDipSci) who has over 18 years of drafting experience working with civil, transport, structural and process drawings. Charlie has worked for SKM, Fletchers and AECOM as a draftsperson on major infrastructure projects. In a freelance capacity Charlie works on a full range of civil drawings covering, pipelines, pumpstations, grading, infill development, the 3 waters, residential subdivisions and commercial buildings.
Charlie’s experience working closely with engineering teams allows him to deliver drawings that have been thoroughly sense checked and understood in relation to the real world.